As we all know as we age- so do our feet! One of my pet peeves is seeing women in sandles with the sandpaper and cracked heels! UGGH!!
Years ago my grandmother taught me this simple secret to terrific feet and the cost is almost free!
Simply keep a large size of 'Vaseline' beside your bed- (I know I have gotten some strange looks from folks as well- so now I hide it under my bed- not that many folks are in my room anymore- but that is for a different blog)at night before you get into bed slather on the vaseline on your feet then pull on a heavy pair of socks!
VOILA- IN NO TIME YOU will have smooth sexy feet, that then still do need to pedicured-- another take on this is to wrap your feet in old plastic bags before sliding on the socks. (even after many washes your 'feet' socks will no longer get the oil out and they get kinda grimmy- so the plastic bags help the vaseline work better and also save your socks and sometimes your sheets from getting oil stains!
Yes, for you married or sharing a bed ladies maybe not so sexy- but sometimes a girl needs to do what a girl needs to do.
And, while it has been awhile- I have had more compliments from men on my soft skin and smooth feet- while running them up his leg--- then anything else! (YES, that also is for another blog!)
Years ago my grandmother taught me this simple secret to terrific feet and the cost is almost free!
Simply keep a large size of 'Vaseline' beside your bed- (I know I have gotten some strange looks from folks as well- so now I hide it under my bed- not that many folks are in my room anymore- but that is for a different blog)at night before you get into bed slather on the vaseline on your feet then pull on a heavy pair of socks!
VOILA- IN NO TIME YOU will have smooth sexy feet, that then still do need to pedicured-- another take on this is to wrap your feet in old plastic bags before sliding on the socks. (even after many washes your 'feet' socks will no longer get the oil out and they get kinda grimmy- so the plastic bags help the vaseline work better and also save your socks and sometimes your sheets from getting oil stains!
Yes, for you married or sharing a bed ladies maybe not so sexy- but sometimes a girl needs to do what a girl needs to do.
And, while it has been awhile- I have had more compliments from men on my soft skin and smooth feet- while running them up his leg--- then anything else! (YES, that also is for another blog!)
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