Sunday, June 21, 2009

Yes you can be fabulous!

Gosh darn- you can be sexy and fabulous at any age!

Mini Skirts

Again, saying over 40 is a tad too broad-- excuse the pun!

Some over 40's can get away with a shorter skirt- black tights and high boots- not many but some!

Again, lots of the under 40's cant get away with it either- but they try!

So, shorter skirt- not just under the woo-hoo- and black tights- little flats--- and jut maybe you can pull it off.

Denim mini-micro- mini-- should we even have to have this discussion??

Plunge V necklines

Yes, I somewhat agree on this- depends on the length of the V- the tone of the skin. If you have been hanging out with the housewives of Orange County or Donatella Verscace with the crepey necks and such- cover it up!

If you are in good shape, have good texture=== and if you have a little extra padding- actually a nice V- can highlight your best feature-- full breasts- and take away from the eyes looking at the fuller hips!

Goddess sakes here think of the Italian superstars--ahhh I cant remember their names- menopausal moment--- but I will add later!

If you are a skinny fart with sun damaged skin- no V's fuller figured with nice skin--- try a touch!

image 111

Low Rise ass showing jeans!

Again, these are soooo out! For anyage- of any weight!

Pass them on- to use as scraps--- not on your ass!

Cropped pants

Actually- I am not a fan of these for any women- but I am old school and prefer classic clothes. Having said that capris- ala Audrey Hepburn- worn close to the ankles and narrower are very classic.....

So go ahead and wear these. It is actually one of the casual looks I like on women over 60!

Neon Colours

Well, again the image does not match the comments.

Neon colours should never be worn by anyone over the age of 6! Unless they of course are 'artistic' youth--- or working on a construction crew, riding a bike at night or other safety issue endeavours!

However -bright colours! Yes you can wear them- bright red- fuchsia -- hot pink- in a splash or two- of course it adds spice!

You are not dead yet!

Pleated pants

This girl is so silly- Did she write this in the 80-'s? Again NO -no one should wear pleated pants- well there are a few styles that more 'draped' than pleated-- and those are fab!

Nope- you put these away- at any age!


Again, sorry! I have seen MANY women over 40 who look HOT in bikinis- and many under 40 who should not be wearing them.

I think most fashions can be worn by women of any (almost)age- it is the body that makes the difference- not the clothes.

Sorry, but if you are in shape you have more choices- if you are not in shape you are limited to what the public wants to see.....

So ladies get your sneakers on and enjoy the wonderful bounty of great clothes you can wear if you are HOT!

Sleeveless Shirts

Again, I disagree I know many women over 40 that can wear sleeveless well. Sorry but it is the out of shape and overweight that should NEVER be seen like this!

Keep your arms in shape and you can wear sleeveless-

How-ever the top that the original writer put in her article- well you should not wear this 'anywear' but the cabin and the backyard- gardening.... at any age!

Jackets at mid thigh

Jackets at mid thigh-- hmmm- I think most women cannot get away with this unless they are very tall- the image selected does not exactly show a jacket that I am opposed to.

It is well cut- a bit of a princess line- but most women do not need a line that cuts them at the thigh- unless they are tall and thin- Then any age can wear it!
This jacket actually looks like it could be a tad longer and narrowed a bit and be worn just above the knee- nice

Silly original writer!

10 things women over 40 should not wear

This is not an original of mine- I stole it from another site--

but I sure do have some comments on this.

1) Women over 40 should not wear black leather pants.

Original writer- unless this article was posted in re-new era of black leather pants-- NO ONE should wear black leather pants- even rock stars- This is 2009!

BAD - period!

Saturday, June 20, 2009


Sorry Ladies and Gentlemen (yes there are a few )I did not realize the comment section was not working-- well it is on now. Due to google programming stuff I cannot make comments available of previous posts before I corrected the problem- so please post any comments on any older subjects here if you wish!

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

trying to get the comments to work on this blog

sorry folks- just testing this- for some strange reason I cannot get the comments turned on - on this blog===

Sunday, June 7, 2009

oh my goddess! My way of saying Oh my god---this is about us women! Goddesses

I have left you alone for far too long.
Okay- the update on my 'withdrawal'..... was not bad. I was more scared than anything during the 2 weeks after, bad heartburn but that was about all. The weight started falling off, the liver thing corrected all was good.
Then the hormone thing= well I guess the pregnant mare stuff can make you bloated and cause stomach pain (I of course went off the nasty anti-depressants and the hormones at the same time!). Soon the night sweats and day sweats started --- .
Now for over a week been on the lowest dose of a hormone patch- so far good sleep, mind seems restored, moods are even and night sweats gone!

As bugs bunny would say ------- thhhaaaaaaaat alll folks.
for today.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

YIKES Cymbalta

I was so happy telling you about these 'happy pills' for going through the meno-pause and the feeling sometimes of depression-- well do not take cymbalta!
I had the worst case of chapped lips-extending all around my mouth about 1 inch- you know when you have to do the 'chapstick' thing and if the stuff was pink you would look like one of those crazy clown women? yup that was me!
Incredible pain in my abdomen for months now-severe constipation, complete lack of appetite, yet all the while gaining so much weight I stopped weighing myself, almost complete liver shut-down, headaches, pain the back of my eyeballs, weird dreams (the kind that only truly sick psychos should ever have) fall asleep in 5 minutes but can only sleep 4 hours a night, tired, no ambition!
BUT- dummy me- thinking the side effects would go away I stayed on them- ah and night sweats- but not as bad as the menopausal ones where you think you are peeing from your arm pits in the middle of the night (I know ughhhh!)..... so now 3 days after not taking any of that stuff and doing some research - it appears I was on the heroin/crack of anti-depressants.....supposed to be bad withdrawal.
So far I have not had a bad withdrawal, already feeling better, slept last night for 7 hours, starting to not have pain in my tummy, no nausea, actually very hungry yesterday, lips are already healing.......
BUT-- I will let you know if I lose it and turn into 'uber-bitch' in the next little while!
In the meantime if you are on this drug- please check it out- please ask your doctor and if not on it please truly consider before you take it---
Not really like the two sexy middle-aged folks in the TV commercials- I actually thought Cymbalta was for penile erection problems-- not for the curing the crazies!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Post post menopause

Ahh,, chatting at a recent 50th birthday party with an almost 50 post-menopausal woman was enlightening.
There she was thin, great skin, calm and looking well rested!
The pure envy I felt was awful!
Chatting shortly later - "What do you do for that great skin, OMG look how thin you are!"
She was very sweet- explaining she will be 50 this summer, and has gone through the 'change'.
She gave me encouragement- it took about 3 years, yes she did gain weight, sometimes it seemed like she gained 5 pounds a day. She did not have severe hot flashes, or really bad night sweats! Lucky girl!
But what she did point out that nobody else has was the bloating! I thought something was wrong with my guts- she was the first person to discuss that constant bloated feeling~! aahah-- and it goes away too, the weight stabilized and you might even find you lose some after the menopause has ended!
There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Yiphee- only another 3 or 4 years!

Friday, April 17, 2009

oh men- lovely men!

What is it that men just do not seem to get as we age?
When we were young, we sat by the phone waiting for them to call.
The 'boys' were out being boys- and called you when they thought of it--
Now, the boys will not stop calling- 2-3 times a day!
Boys, us girls are not sitting around waiting for you to call-= we are busy!
We are out being busy.
Your constant calling is not flattering- it is - well it makes you seem desperate, or worse than that clingy, freakish, scary, controlling.
Men, relax we are over 40 do not try to control what she does, keep tabs on her, make snide comments if she is on the phone when you call, or out with some else for dinner.......
Trust me this is not high-school and you play those games with her - she will dump your ass pronto!
Remember the clingy, little girl in high school- she made you crazy and you had to get out!
Do not be that kind of man- you are trying to entice her in- not make sure she runs screaming out!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Menopause and vajajays

tooo funny!
Had to add this blog to my links!!!

ah have some fun!

What sort of friend are you?
(we can still play these games)

Monday, March 23, 2009

Mid-life crisis

Yup--- finally having mine!
Not knowing if it is the continued snow fall, boring non-fullfillling job, still having to raise child (just turned 22 on Friday) not sure- but I want to run away!
Sell everything- take the cash (put that art in storage) and gallavant around the globe for a year or so with a backpack!
Ride out the BIG R--- have some fun!

Is this really what this life is about- collecting stuff? Hanging around to support our kids forever?
When is it finally going to be time for ourselves? When we are so old we can't do anything? OR when we are so old we don't remember?
HMMMMMM- don't be surprised if this BIG R thing continue you find my blogs coming from faraway little mexican villages!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cooked Romaine lettuce

Cooked Romaine Lettuce

Ladies, I know this sounds a touch strange but a few years ago I had a Chinese university student stay at place on an exchange program and he was shocked we ate our head lettuce raw! He showed me how to cook head lettuce.... and it is very good.

Then, my brother got the idea- well if you can cook head lettuce bet BB'Q's romaine lettuce would be great!

Brian's BB'Q Romaine lettuce

1/2 and head of lettuce lenghtwise- sprinkle with salt, chopped garlic and pats of butter (olive oil can be used but treat yourself with the butter)
Lay face up-- allowing the larger leaves to hold the salt, garlic and butter) and BBQ for about 15 minutes- or until cooked! Yummy!

Then, I had the great idea with large amounts of romaine in stock and on sale at Costco-- (and also at a certain age it seems raw stuff gets harder on the tummy) I cooked my romaine on the stove with olive oil, garlic and red pepper flakes- no recipes as pretty easy- just saute down!
Yummy- easy on the tummy-- easy on the weight- !

Later, a neat cheap and easy recipe for under 200 calories!

weight! ughh!!!

Okay... following the mid-life meltdown, the mini-mental-health holiday and the post-post-menopausal fallout- I had to deal with a winter that has not yet ended --- and about 20 extra pounds (I think that is what it is but I am not about to get on the scale to confirm that!)
So, for the next few weeks or months I will be getting up at 4 AM--- running for an hour and doing ab exercises for half and hour and trying to get the wieghts in as well.
After work-- another one hour of walking- just walking so I can get to bed (and sleep) at 8- so I can get up at 4-4:30!
Now- some say 'gosh just get over it- you are getting older- accept the extra weight!"
Well, that may be- but I can't afford new clothes- so I have to get back into my clothes!
Will let you know how it goes!

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The letter

Note- what impressed me the most was the last paragraph- if a brain damaged young person can have this attitude about life- we older folks better start to 'roll with the program'.

To whom it may concern:
First of all, I would like to thank you for considering my application for this award. In the upcoming essay, I will outline my reasons for applying for this award.

Informally, let me take this time to say “hello” and introduce myself. My name is*****, I am 21 years old and I currently attend Norquest. I will attain all my 30 courses as to ensure I am as knowledgeable as the rest of the student body coming fresh out of high school. Furthermore, there is a chance I may attend a university outside of the province as I aspire to attend a school with a baseball program, so it will be important that I write my diplomas also. I am unsure as to what I will study in university at this point. Several possibilities have presented themselves: I have considered a bachelor of arts, with the hope of getting good enough marks so that I am able to further my education and pursue my masters after I am done, perhaps specifying in psychology or political science… I have also considered staying faithful to my career goal and see how far I can get down that path, possibly becoming a doctor.

When I was younger I sustained a very traumatic brain injury. One night, while I was stunting pur se, I flew 6 feet from outside of a vehicle and landed head first on a curb. I was then immediately rushed to the hospital. This incident occurred on the west end; thankfully the friends I was with were unaware of the Misericordia Hospital nearby, so instead they took me to the University Hospital, which consequently saved my life. If I were delivered to the hospital a half an hour later than I was, I would have been dead. As the doctors later determined, I suffered a brain stem injury.

I am uncertain as to what part of the brain stem but if you are unaware the brain stem controls many of our automatic functions and serves as a communication center between the cerebellum and the frontal lobe. I was in a coma for nearly a month.

During those days while in a coma my mom was constantly asked to consider what kind of standard of life she would like me to have since it was predicted I would be in a vegetative state for the rest of my natural life upon release from the hospital; she was also asked on several occasions if she wanted me to be an organ donor. At one point, sneakily, not wanting anyone to know what they were up, the University Hospital, on a Sunday, phoned a specialist to come in and determine whether or not they could legally unplug me. According to law, if someone in coma has minimal brain activity, the institution that individual is in cannot legally unplug him/her; conversely, if that person is pronounced brain dead, that institution can legally pull the plug without approval from family or anyone in a state of authority of the individual hospitalized. It’s politics, it is a matter of money, consider how much money was being spent on me to keep me alive, lots! I appreciate the fact that they wanted me to go; they wanted to clear up space for someone who might have a chance at living, since I didn’t. Well, luckily, I had brain activity and they could not be rid of me so easily. A short time after that, I began to make such gains that I was transferred to the Glenrose, where I stayed for 5 more months.

During my rehabilitation at the Glenrose, I re-learned how to talk, walk, eat and how to use the washroom by myself. Basically everything we take for granted.

The accident disabled me both physically and mentally. But I hope not to the extent to which it “disables” me from fulfilling all my dreams and aspirations. I know that it is not holding me back at this point in my life. I am trying to attain the highest marks in school possible by working extremely hard and therefore getting my acceptance into a University of my choice. I also work extremely hard at rehabilitating my physical nature also. I workout when time permits; I also train during the winter with a group of athletes at Athlete’s Nation in St. Albert. I do whatever I can to ensure that I live the most fulfilling life possible attempting to limit any regrets down the road. I have big aspirations which I know I will achieve.

I don’t come from the richest or the poorest family, although considering “poor” is just a frame of mind. I live with my mom but I have full support from my father also, who is a big part of my life. My mom, to say the least, has seen better days financially, but it is not the end of the world and we will get through it. My father, similarly, is not the richest man. I do not live in poverty but this money that this award offers would help me out considerably. I work part time at the Alano club, a sobriety club, one day a week for 6 hours. My other form of income is from the government that I receive for going to school.

Last year I entered a contest called, “Agent For Change.” I became aware of the contest from advertisements on the bus. Its motto was, “someone 16-22 will change the world, is it you?” My answer was, “yes, it is me.” Sadly, it wasn’t. It wasn’t the end of the world though, it was fun. The contest’s criteria was to submit a 5 minute video, no longer, to the Agent For Change website. It asked that your video contain what you think should be changed in the world, and how you will make that change. I not only said that the publics political awareness/involvement should be increased, but that the publics environmental awareness/involvement should be increased also. The theme was too broad and I did not submit realistic enough solutions to be considered for top 10. I would be honoured if you checked out my video: you can access it by Googling *****or alternately you can go to You Tube and type in, “Agent For Change ****

I am also a member of the ACE student board committee. I have attempted to implement a recycling program into the school of Norquest also, but to no avail.

Another attempt that I have made to reach out into the community, for all the life experience I have accumulated so far in my life, is that I have contacted three schools, to date, and asked them to allow me to speak to their student body to talk about life choices and how they affect your life down the road. I would explore topics like drugs, insecurities, sports, work ethic and how important school really is. Sadly again, I got rejected. I have one more school I have in mind to contact. I feel very passionate about speaking to students of that age because when I was that age, to summarize my state of mind, I was a lost cause. I feel that there may be similar children who are experiencing the same problems that I faced. I think how sad it is how kids make such poor choices during a time that they don’t understand is so crucial to their future. I am just lucky that I have been given the chance to do things again that at one point in my life I took for granted, I can’t say everyone is that blessed.

In context, I have provided you with a brief history of my life. I listed some of my aspirations and dreams; I included some of my family background and a brief understanding of the obstacles I have overcome, and obstacles, that consequently, I face everyday.

One thing I am not afraid of is failure. They say that everyday you have a window of opportunity that presents itself, and that it’s up to you to take advantage of it. We as humans don’t know what opportunities to choose, or even when an opportunity actually does present itself. That is why I believe that you must do anything and everything that catches your attention, because that could be the opportunity you‘re looking for. It is also said that we make our own luck. Meaning, that if we do everything in our power to better ourselves, we’re creating opportunities for ourselves. In everything I venture into, I venture into 110% with the intention of being successful and finishing what I began.

I thank you for your consideration of my application and I look forward to hearing back from you. NOTE: I have also submitted my diploma transcript for English

ahhhh- kids!

Gosh, I am not the most buttery of women or mothers.
Those of you that know me- know that many folks find me distant- and cold- then the ones that actually know me- think of me as quirky-- (I like that better). The folks that truly know me- know that I am actually a complete marshmallow when it comes to the people I love... my pets.. my son-- and some of my great friends.
My son has given me the run of my life- starting as 10 pounds 11 ounces baby and growing into a child with ADHD (attention deficient -hyper-activity disorder)...then to those lovely teenage years, drugs and all-- then the famous brain injury.
Well, after almost going bankrupt to get this kid on track- I feel so 'fluffed up today.....
I am attaching an essay he has done (his name deleted for the web)....
Yup- surviving the trials and tribulations of life, marriage, death, injury, work--- and seeing the light at the other end of the tunnel does make it all worth-while.
My ramblings- many of you are going through rough times- I have aload of experience in rough times- get up every day- put on your rose coloured glasses - put one foot in front of the other and carry on.
At night crawl into bed and thank the universe this day is over (bless the day if it was a good one) and know that tomorrow has the opportunity to be better than this last day.
Do that every day and you will be able to get through whatever challenge you are facing-- also as I heard a friend say "when you are going through hell don't stop"

Sunday, March 8, 2009

the Bragg!


Have to share this !

I have one of these for a few years- well made, fun easy to use!

(Now I need the panty one too-- gosh just in case I get to go anywhere!
(sorry, the images are not downloading correctly- but come on back and we will fix that!)

Friday, February 27, 2009

How to act like a lady and think like a man

Interesting book- I think I might buy this.
However- the advice this man gives is the same advice I believe in-- and what I learned from my grandmother- not that I always followed it!
The one great line she told me years ago was
I was 14 and wanted to ask this cute new guy out. Hey, I was a new-age girl- I was equal- I could do what-ever men did!
My grandmother got wind of my scheme and told me to go ahead if I wanted- but if I wanted to have the 'power' why would I give it away?
I responded with 'I am equal, I am a girl I can do what men do."
She retorted that I was right--- "But.......who-ever has the power to say 'No'... is the one with the true power.
(Hence- if I asked and he said No- he was the one with the power--- if I was asked and I said No- I am the one with the power.
A lesson I have never forgot-- you can create a situation where the gentleman will want to ask you out---- draw him in if you will- yes-- life is a tad of a game- get over it! Play coy- flirt- become the woman he would want---- then you have the power!
Say Yes---- to a date- coffee-- not sex-- of course if you really want to see him again!
More on that tomorrow---

depression over 40

hmmmm.... this is going to be a rather blunt and honest blog-- about goals, aspirations, losing them in the reality of teenagers, failed marriages and the fog hauling in dementia to cover our elders.
Through living through life we tend to get tired, drink too much wine, and fail to 'get up and go' to finish our life dreams..... they seem like the lighthouse on the far away shore over the rough water and almost hidden through the dense fog of life.
I, like many of you, have struggled with the fog days and while the struggle is hard and to admit the weakening of our spirits it is a struggle that is indeed even more important as we do fade.
Depression- what an ugly word- and I am not talking about the lack of money currently in circulation in the world.
Finally, after years of not even realizing I had indeed fallen down a deep well of depression, "it is just stress, it is meno-pause, it is stress' I finally had to realize the life I was living was indeed in a fog.
Going home after work just to go to bed-lying on the couch watching more TMZ and another CSI re-run, every excuse not to workout, go-out, lots of time to run and get more wine and a movie to hibernate in the safe confines of my basement.....
Ladies, this is not living
Hiding from work, responsibilities-- not interested in your former loves of loves- what ever hobby (or man) that may be......
If you are finding the season, the weather, the financial market, your marriage or singledom is somehow just not working- please do not be as stubborn as I was- go to the doctor and he has the best happy pills in the world!
Yahoo-- I see some painting, writing, finally getting those taxes done (actually dealing with some life issues that need to be dealt with and not piled under the already very lumpy rug).
Happy pills are for me!

Monday, February 23, 2009

WOW- get aload of those emeralds!

Angelina - I know is not 40 yet- but she is in training and will be a stunner when she gets here. She is soooo coool ( some folks prefer the pouty- poor little me Jennifer- but for me the strong self-assured Angelina is much sexier!) She knows how to dress- never do her clothes outshine her but rather enhance her beauty--- and those emeralds!
Not as splashy as huge diamonds but much more elegant- would love to know how much!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Men and women sin in different ways

Men and women sin in different ways
Comments (10)

From Thursday's Globe and Mail
February 19, 2009 at 9:10 AM EST
Men who drool over the Victoria's Secret catalogue may be risking more than a glare from their main squeeze - they may earn a one-way ticket to hell. But at least they'll be in the company of women who boast about their shoes.
According to The Times of London, a recent survey reported in the Vatican newspaper reveals that while Catholic men and women both sin, they do so in very different ways. For men, lust, gluttony and sloth are the offences most often committed. For women, it's pride, followed by envy and anger.
The analysis of church confessions, conducted by a Jesuit priest, revealed telling gender differences and has created a sensation in Britain, where it was widely reported yesterday.
After lust, gluttony and slothfulness, men are most likely to commit sins of anger, pride, envy and avarice. For women, pride, envy and anger are followed up by lust, gluttony and slothfulness.
Media reports say the analysis was conducted by Roberto Busa, and was reported after Monsignor Wojciech Giertych, personal theologian to Pope Benedict XVI and the papal household, attested to the gender differences in the Vatican newspaper L'Osservatore Romano.
A spokesperson for the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops declined comment, saying the assembly is aware of the media reports but has not yet read the su

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Moms and over 40

Today, while I was making beef soup and stew to pack in my son's lunch for the coming week or so I had time to contemplate life.
We rush around so much to make the money, make something of ourselves, smart, glamorous successful and then when tough times coming falling around our heads we feel like we have failed.
Making the lunches had me thinking how terrific my life is, grateful to have my son and the ability in this crazy world to save grocery money by making these things homemade. The lunches will have extra love in them- even if they are simple comfort peasant fare.
Life does show us what is important and today I am filled with the most love and sense of accomplishment that I have felt in years
Next week it will hamburger soup, hamburger stew and maybe a meatloaf!
Simple food filled with love and of all the titles I have held- Mom is the best!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Definition of a Cougar

What is a Real Cougar? She is style, she is grace, she is smart, she is a leader. She has worked hard, learned a lot and excelled at whatever she chose to do. She doesn’t ever have to apologize for being successful – she has earned her stripes.

“Real Cougars” are business women, and they are wives and mothers. A “Real Cougar” is not defined by a band on her finger, it’s her attitude about life. She is a woman who is constantly looking for new opportunities and knows how to get what she wants. Sometimes things don’t work out exactly as she plans, but she grows from each and every experience.

In folklore a cougar quietly take control of a situation. Sometimes this can lead to conflict with others over territory. A cougar is associated with leadership and teaches decisiveness in the use of personal power.

True leadership through gentle assertiveness is what cougar teaches those with this totem. Cougar people are often very sure of themselves, not taking any unnecessary steps or exerting any extra energy beyond what is required of them to achieve their goal. Most cougars learn by trial and error, which strengthens them and hones their skills.

A cougar will leap at opportunities. They take control of their lives and circumstances most effectively.

5 Components of a Real Cougar

Health & Wellness:

A Real Cougar Cougar knows that feeling good is the most important thing. Her body is changing each decade. It's her responsibility to keep it running at full capacity.


A Real Cougar doesn’t want to look 25. However she understands the importance of looking sexy and fabulous for the age she happens to be.


A Real Cougar knows that relationships are difficult to maintain. What’s interesting about being over 40 is your priorities change. Now it’s time to focus in on what you really want and stop pleasing everyone else.

Financial Freedom:

A Real Cougar knows the importance of being financially independent. Without that you never feel completely secure.


A Real Cougar knows how important it is to have a mindset that's programmed for success. Knowing how to tap into her spirit and her intuition is essential.

Aging is inevitable – how you age is always your choice!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Ellen Barkin- over 40 and fabulous

Ellen Barkin continues to bite back at former husband Ronald Perelman.
Ellen's spokesman confirmed that she has signed on to do an HBO pilot about a woman who struggles to find her bearings after a high-profile divorce from a wealthy businessman. Obviously, the material’s right up Barkin’s alley — Perelman famously tossed her from their luxury apartment after handing her divorce papers in 2006. Barkin ended up getting $60 million from the billionaire, and raked in about another $20 million when she auctioned off jewels given to her by the mogul.
One evening when Barkin accidently bumped into Perelman with Anna Chapman, his new girlfriend, at a New York restaurant, she threw a glass of water in his face and hissed at Chapman: "I feel sorry for you having to (bleep) him tonight."
Shauna Cross, the woman who's writing the pilot script, describes her vision: "You have this character in her early 50s whose life explodes suddenly. Her nerve and life experience allows her to tell the world to go screw itself, and they love her for it."
Welcome to the world of Real Cougars over 40!

Cougars- in the best of ways!

ah I want to find the blog link for this!

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Yikes, fabulous and chicly poor!

Ah- I remember why I love the song- 'The lady is a Tramp so much!"
Such a perfect song- and even in the song- it is noticed "she's broke'
So, you can be a lady, broke, fun, exciting and now even over 40!
I think- truly, this not wearing the same dress again, or at the same time as someone else is truly childish- if you are that concerned about those sorts of things- ensure you have a personal style and accessorize then you will never look like someone else! .
But above all- I think- thin thighs, great skin, hair, nails and teeth are truly the sign of wealth and being well cared for.
So- exercise---diet alone does not work!! You must work out=- at least 1/2 hour every day- better 1 1/2---
Moisturize your skin esp. in the harsh winter weather, Vaseline on feet and hands at night- sock and gloves- humidifier beside your bed.
Moisturize you hair and leave in all Sunday- rinse out Monday morning- keeps it bright, shiny and controls the fly-aways.
Sleep and water- lots of both......
and oh yes- you can wear last years clothes if you look good underneath.
I do not understand why so many women feel they can and should hide behind expensive clothes and jewels and do not take care of the basics, their hair, skin and body!!!
Sorry ladies, but you look OLDER- with expensive clothes and are out of shape with uncared for hair, skin and nails..... you are not fooling anyone.
BUT, you can look rich and fab in last years clothes if you are vibrant and full of energy!