I was so happy telling you about these 'happy pills' for going through the meno-pause and the feeling sometimes of depression-- well do not take cymbalta!
I had the worst case of chapped lips-extending all around my mouth about 1 inch- you know when you have to do the 'chapstick' thing and if the stuff was pink you would look like one of those crazy clown women? yup that was me!
Incredible pain in my abdomen for months now-severe constipation, complete lack of appetite, yet all the while gaining so much weight I stopped weighing myself, almost complete liver shut-down, headaches, pain the back of my eyeballs, weird dreams (the kind that only truly sick psychos should ever have) fall asleep in 5 minutes but can only sleep 4 hours a night, tired, no ambition!
BUT- dummy me- thinking the side effects would go away I stayed on them- ah and night sweats- but not as bad as the menopausal ones where you think you are peeing from your arm pits in the middle of the night (I know ughhhh!)..... so now 3 days after not taking any of that stuff and doing some research - it appears I was on the heroin/crack of anti-depressants.....supposed to be bad withdrawal.
So far I have not had a bad withdrawal, already feeling better, slept last night for 7 hours, starting to not have pain in my tummy, no nausea, actually very hungry yesterday, lips are already healing.......
BUT-- I will let you know if I lose it and turn into 'uber-bitch' in the next little while!
In the meantime if you are on this drug- please check it out- please ask your doctor and if not on it please truly consider before you take it---
Not really like the two sexy middle-aged folks in the TV commercials- I actually thought Cymbalta was for penile erection problems-- not for the curing the crazies!
Happy Weekend + Links!
Hey friends and happy weekend! Hope your start to December is going well.
Just popping in here on the old blog to catch up with any followers that
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2 years ago