Friday, April 17, 2009

oh men- lovely men!

What is it that men just do not seem to get as we age?
When we were young, we sat by the phone waiting for them to call.
The 'boys' were out being boys- and called you when they thought of it--
Now, the boys will not stop calling- 2-3 times a day!
Boys, us girls are not sitting around waiting for you to call-= we are busy!
We are out being busy.
Your constant calling is not flattering- it is - well it makes you seem desperate, or worse than that clingy, freakish, scary, controlling.
Men, relax we are over 40 do not try to control what she does, keep tabs on her, make snide comments if she is on the phone when you call, or out with some else for dinner.......
Trust me this is not high-school and you play those games with her - she will dump your ass pronto!
Remember the clingy, little girl in high school- she made you crazy and you had to get out!
Do not be that kind of man- you are trying to entice her in- not make sure she runs screaming out!