Tuesday, December 30, 2008

poverty chic-staying fab

Since, many folks are now in the boat I have been for awhile- I feel a tad like the older sister ( easy on the pun there) where at least I can help some of my new 'poverty chic' sisters into my midst and perhaps offer some survival tips.
1) You do not need the newest duds every season- stick with your staples and add drama- if you like drama- if you like being a 'beige' person then don add any fun drama!
2) Always--- ALWAYS- take care of your skin- do not scrimp here- go without the clothes- manicure yourself at home- eat Metamucil for weeks-( you will be regular and thin, full- and after your body gets used to it not bloated--) anything you need to do - keep the skin looking fab!
3) Smile and excellent posture- sorry but it is true- you should never leave the house without putting your smile on-- and excellent posture always makes even the least expensive outfit look great 'cause you look rich under it!

hmmm- judging look after 40

Gentlemen, you can respond for free here and there is a tad of a conundrum.......
One that many of you have faced before- me never really faced it as due to my shallow nature if a man was not appealing to me in a physical way- I just simply and swiftly passed him over.
That has left me single- however do not assume that makes me lonely or desperate- actually I enjoy my singledom as I detest having any man tell me what to do, when, how or why.....
Hence good thing I am single- in my own defense though I have had the 'husband' from hell- raised the child from downunder- and now I simply enjoy some peace from the onslaught of men controlling behaviour.
Yes, I know there are some fabulous men out there- and to my saving grace some of them are my friends- so thank you......
BUT-- what does one do when they meet a person of the opposite gender that appreciates and enjoys the same activities, they make you laugh, they...
are smart, funny, in control, confident- have their 'shit' together--- and yes even are financially stable- even in this economy........
but what do you do if they are in shape--- fit....... and honestly ...... just not attractive?
I know this is a common problem but truly how shallow are we?
If we had all taken the one -or two people we have met in our lives that actually compliment us =aside from their genetic blessed exteriors (to which they simply inherited and in no way 'earned' the way they look)if we simply took up with the people we actually like- would this world not be a better place and with far less single folks (again, not that being single is bad)
Any advice-- and have any of you 'settled' with not as a stellar looking partner-- but would not change them for anything- and finally are happy?

New poverty chic

Poverty chic---
aha- finally something I have the opportunity to be on the leading edge of.
How to get around looking chic on a penny- and an old one at that!
Things have already been lightened up for me so much- for so long I would watch the huge houses, the clothes, the cars, the vacations and wonder where do these people get all their money?
Yes, indeed the last few years have been like getting my doctorate in life- (poor and way too much learning curve) but it appears my doctorate in life may serve me well now.
I have long given up judging folks by their money, possessions, even their education and instead have a great admiration for those that have been mired in struggles.
It would seem now that the graciousness of kindness, creativity, hard work, surviving with grace under pressure and new-found poverty may make the masses a much kinder, gentler and even tempered lot once they too realize-- we are not what we own but who we are that makes us special in our own ways.
Poverty can actually increase our sense of self- open new doors to find our own values and inner - harmony - and those open doors can let out the negativity of ego based ideals

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

diets and exercise

unfortunately when our metabolism decides we hit that peri-menopause state and rather quickly shuts down on us--- there is little we can do that is easy to stay in those slinky little clothes!
Exercise is a must- regardless of how little or what you eat.... say an hour on the treadmill every day!
I am also sad to say but it appears on me anyway that 2 glasses of wine= 3-5 pounds that take at least 5-7 days to get rid of.
We may just have to become green tea tottlers to try to stay in shape- nevermind the headaches that even 2 glasses of good red wine cause!