Monday, April 20, 2009

Post post menopause

Ahh,, chatting at a recent 50th birthday party with an almost 50 post-menopausal woman was enlightening.
There she was thin, great skin, calm and looking well rested!
The pure envy I felt was awful!
Chatting shortly later - "What do you do for that great skin, OMG look how thin you are!"
She was very sweet- explaining she will be 50 this summer, and has gone through the 'change'.
She gave me encouragement- it took about 3 years, yes she did gain weight, sometimes it seemed like she gained 5 pounds a day. She did not have severe hot flashes, or really bad night sweats! Lucky girl!
But what she did point out that nobody else has was the bloating! I thought something was wrong with my guts- she was the first person to discuss that constant bloated feeling~! aahah-- and it goes away too, the weight stabilized and you might even find you lose some after the menopause has ended!
There is a light at the end of the tunnel!
Yiphee- only another 3 or 4 years!