Friday, February 27, 2009

How to act like a lady and think like a man

Interesting book- I think I might buy this.
However- the advice this man gives is the same advice I believe in-- and what I learned from my grandmother- not that I always followed it!
The one great line she told me years ago was
I was 14 and wanted to ask this cute new guy out. Hey, I was a new-age girl- I was equal- I could do what-ever men did!
My grandmother got wind of my scheme and told me to go ahead if I wanted- but if I wanted to have the 'power' why would I give it away?
I responded with 'I am equal, I am a girl I can do what men do."
She retorted that I was right--- "But.......who-ever has the power to say 'No'... is the one with the true power.
(Hence- if I asked and he said No- he was the one with the power--- if I was asked and I said No- I am the one with the power.
A lesson I have never forgot-- you can create a situation where the gentleman will want to ask you out---- draw him in if you will- yes-- life is a tad of a game- get over it! Play coy- flirt- become the woman he would want---- then you have the power!
Say Yes---- to a date- coffee-- not sex-- of course if you really want to see him again!
More on that tomorrow---


terbear55 said...

It's funny that alot of men never realize that fact, or do so far to late in life, and yes it is a game some women play very well;but again, live and die by the sword!

Chanel said...

Terbear- why the live and die by the sword comment?
How does that relate?

rockindel1 said...

its funny Chanel, you have been one of the most stunningly beautiful women I know ,I never felt like you ever weren't in control of you future, or your relationships (not that there were that many).Even through your trials as a parent,I always felt as a friend observing that you were always the one with control..
just my thoughts

Chanel said...

Thanks Rockin' (great name)