Tuesday, December 30, 2008

poverty chic-staying fab

Since, many folks are now in the boat I have been for awhile- I feel a tad like the older sister ( easy on the pun there) where at least I can help some of my new 'poverty chic' sisters into my midst and perhaps offer some survival tips.
1) You do not need the newest duds every season- stick with your staples and add drama- if you like drama- if you like being a 'beige' person then don add any fun drama!
2) Always--- ALWAYS- take care of your skin- do not scrimp here- go without the clothes- manicure yourself at home- eat Metamucil for weeks-( you will be regular and thin, full- and after your body gets used to it not bloated--) anything you need to do - keep the skin looking fab!
3) Smile and excellent posture- sorry but it is true- you should never leave the house without putting your smile on-- and excellent posture always makes even the least expensive outfit look great 'cause you look rich under it!

hmmm- judging look after 40

Gentlemen, you can respond for free here and there is a tad of a conundrum.......
One that many of you have faced before- me never really faced it as due to my shallow nature if a man was not appealing to me in a physical way- I just simply and swiftly passed him over.
That has left me single- however do not assume that makes me lonely or desperate- actually I enjoy my singledom as I detest having any man tell me what to do, when, how or why.....
Hence good thing I am single- in my own defense though I have had the 'husband' from hell- raised the child from downunder- and now I simply enjoy some peace from the onslaught of men controlling behaviour.
Yes, I know there are some fabulous men out there- and to my saving grace some of them are my friends- so thank you......
BUT-- what does one do when they meet a person of the opposite gender that appreciates and enjoys the same activities, they make you laugh, they...
are smart, funny, in control, confident- have their 'shit' together--- and yes even are financially stable- even in this economy........
but what do you do if they are in shape--- fit....... and honestly ...... just not attractive?
I know this is a common problem but truly how shallow are we?
If we had all taken the one -or two people we have met in our lives that actually compliment us =aside from their genetic blessed exteriors (to which they simply inherited and in no way 'earned' the way they look)if we simply took up with the people we actually like- would this world not be a better place and with far less single folks (again, not that being single is bad)
Any advice-- and have any of you 'settled' with not as a stellar looking partner-- but would not change them for anything- and finally are happy?

New poverty chic

Poverty chic---
aha- finally something I have the opportunity to be on the leading edge of.
How to get around looking chic on a penny- and an old one at that!
Things have already been lightened up for me so much- for so long I would watch the huge houses, the clothes, the cars, the vacations and wonder where do these people get all their money?
Yes, indeed the last few years have been like getting my doctorate in life- (poor and way too much learning curve) but it appears my doctorate in life may serve me well now.
I have long given up judging folks by their money, possessions, even their education and instead have a great admiration for those that have been mired in struggles.
It would seem now that the graciousness of kindness, creativity, hard work, surviving with grace under pressure and new-found poverty may make the masses a much kinder, gentler and even tempered lot once they too realize-- we are not what we own but who we are that makes us special in our own ways.
Poverty can actually increase our sense of self- open new doors to find our own values and inner - harmony - and those open doors can let out the negativity of ego based ideals

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

diets and exercise

unfortunately when our metabolism decides we hit that peri-menopause state and rather quickly shuts down on us--- there is little we can do that is easy to stay in those slinky little clothes!
Exercise is a must- regardless of how little or what you eat.... say an hour on the treadmill every day!
I am also sad to say but it appears on me anyway that 2 glasses of wine= 3-5 pounds that take at least 5-7 days to get rid of.
We may just have to become green tea tottlers to try to stay in shape- nevermind the headaches that even 2 glasses of good red wine cause!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

winter skin-part two

Please write more about how to keep skin looking young." Or, "What can I do to keep my skin from drying up like an old prune during the winter months?"
I receive many requests like these asking me to write about medical problems. But whenever I write about skin care, the response dwarfs other mail. So here's what a prestigious clinic says about aging skin.
Mayo Clinic doctors don't bother to soften the truth of how we gradually lose our baby-soft "body glove" in which we were born.
Their studies show that our oil producing glands become less active and blood vessels decrease leaving us with thinner, fragile and finely wrinkled skin.
But four habits will help to keep some of that youthful colour and glow.
Habit 1: Protect yourself from the sun. It's the invisible, intense ultraviolet light that causes damage to skin leaving deep wrinkles, rough dry skin and liver spots. It's lifetime exposure that counts and this may also cause benign and malignant growths.
Remember that only "mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the noonday sun". But Mayo Clinic doctors suggest that when you do, wear long sleeves and tightly woven fabrics such as denim rather than knits.
Today you can also buy protective (SPF) clothing that blocks out ultraviolet rays.
Habit 2: Stop smoking! A study from Oxford University shows smoking decreases your time on this planet by 20 years!
In addition, your skin won't look as good when you enter the pearly gates! Years of smoking will have narrowed tiny blood vessels in the skin, robbing it of oxygen and nutrients such as vitamin A. This also increases damage to elastic fibers and collagen which give the skin strength and elasticity.
Mayo physicians raise another interesting point about smoking - by pursing your lips when inhaling and squinting your eyes when exhaling to keep out the smoke, you contribute to wrinkles. And that the heat from cigarettes damages the skin over the years.
In fact they say these changes can happen in just 10 years of puffing on cigarettes.
Habit 3: Wash all body skin with tender loving care. This means short baths and showers with warm water, not hot water. Not good news for me and others who prefer long, hot showers.

Mayo Clinic also advises against strong soaps that strip oil from your skin leaving it dry. It suggests mild ones or detergent substitutes which contain added oils and fats. The good choices are Cliniderm, Dove, Cetaphil and Purpose.
Stay clear of soap additives such as perfumes and dyes which can irritate skin and also cause an allergic reaction.
If you're wearing makeup use a soft sponge or cotton balls to remove it. And for heavy, waterproof makeup you need oil-based products such as Aquaphor or petrolatum jelly.
Finally, be sure to pat dry your skin with a soft towel. All of this is time consuming, of course, so I assume this is why more men end up with prune faces than women.
Habit 4: In real estate the slogan for success is "location, location, location." The secret for skin care is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize to prevent winter itch and leather-like skin. Over-heated homes, carpets, fireplaces and furniture all suck moisture out of the air. One study showed the average home is as dry as the Sahara Desert! It's no wonder that so many people complain of dry, flaky and sometimes red skin.
Mayo doctors don't mention any specific moisturizers. But there are two excellent lotions, Reversa and Neostrata which contain glycolic acid (AHA), a natural derivative of sugar cane. Research shows that these lotions not only moisturize but improve the top layer of the skin (stratum corneum) thereby sealing and locking in moisture to smooth and soften the skin.
Dr. Suzanne Gagnon, a prominent Montreal dermatologist, advises that for maximum effect Reversa or Neostrata lotion should be applied to dry skin. She reminds us that all parts of the body need moisture, especially where the stratum corneum is thick like the elbows, knees and feet. And remember that soft feet don't tear nylons.
So moisturize, moisturize, and did I say moisturize?
The products she recommends are products I have used, they are moderate in price and also came to me via my dermatologist- remember the home humidifier as well!

Makeup for 'experienced women'

Hope you are all doing well.
Today some make-up ideas
Georgio Armani Luminous Silk Foundation a fantastic cover, light, non-acne causing makeup.
I like this one for the day as it feels and looks like nothing is on your skin- remember though a good primer is always vital- I recommend the matching Fluid Sheer from the same line. You may have to order this through Holt Renfrew- or from Vegas- but it is worth it.
For more formal coverage but still elegant I like the primer and makeup from Chanel Vitalumiere line- again light and offer more coverage that the Georgio Armani but I cannot wear it everyday as I will break out- so I keep this one on hand for those special days when you want to look extra fab!
Evening makeup- calls for more coverage and perfection! To this end I keep Laura Mercier and the matching primer on hand.... this is a heavier coverage and makes you look PERFECT- but you do look like you have a makeup on- so I keep this one in the back of the vanity for special dates, the theatre anything where perfection is desired--

Friday, November 14, 2008

Skin pigmenting

I know, you think Obagi is paying me- they are not this stuff is simply amazing for all skin that I have come across.
Obagi-C system is the one to try for reducing pigmentation- it works great for me and has almost removed all of my hyper-pigmentation in less than a month with no redness! It leaves a glow that would make the 20 somethings jealous. I have to balance it with the acne line as it is a touch rich for my acne prone skin- but then again I have problem skin!

There is no place in Edmonton to buy this line- so I have included a link to the place in Vancouver where I ordered mine from.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Adult Acne

Okay, I have another fab product (you know how I love Obaji) my son had acne and we tried everything- plus I still suffer. Then Obaji came up with a new line Clenziderm M.D. acne line. This stuff is remarkable. My son tried the acne line advertised on-line ad-naseum, and it worked okay but not terrific.
This stuff is fabulous- not over drying, safe for my aging sensitive skin (on the occasion I need to borrow some of his).
Worth looking into for you and your kids!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Brag Company

I have a new link for this cute and sassy company! The brag company creates wonderful carry-alls to protect your fancy bras while travelling= take a look!
They just contacted me to announce their new website!


Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Winter and your skin

I live in a very cold, dry climate and it is vital to care for your skin differently in the cold then during the warmer months
1) place a humidifier by your bed!
2) exfoliate!!! I use Yonka products- Gommage 305 for sensitive skin for me- it is not too harsh as I have adult acne- gentle cleansing twice a week helps the dry skin and believe it or not the cold actually increase our blemishes. So exfoliate!
3) I follow with Yonka Masque 105- again for sensitive skin as this hydrates without adding oil and leave a wonderful clean moisturized face!
Do not forget sunblock in the winter- the reflection of the sun off the snow intensifies the sun damage and wear good sunglasses (polarized lenses- not just fashion glasses!) to reduce squinting and the increase of wrinkles around the eyes!

Thank you for your post

Actually, I have asked the lady that did my brows for photos to publish and I will send her your recent request in order to hopefully speed up that process!
thanks and check back! They truly do frame the face and act like a mini-facelift!

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Four basic Food Groups

1) Fruit--- grapes- perferably aged- wine
2) Dairy--- aged milk-- supurb cheeses
3) Protein- from the water- think lobster,crab, scallops- I like anything that keeps and travels with their house!
4) Chocolate!
and you will live lovely for-ever!

Friday, August 15, 2008

Bathe like Cleopatra

and Kick it up a notch!
The historic beauty used to bathe in milk- camel or goat not sure- but it was claimed she bathed in milk for her lovely and famous skin-- you can do- and kick it up
You love chocolate? Of course you do!
How about bathing in it? Why not?
2 Tablespoons unsweetened coca powder
1/2 cup dry milk powder
1/2 cup unscented - or try a mint or vanilla scent--bubblebath
Toss them all into the bath- rub with your hands or mix before in a bowl to get rid of any clumps
light the candles- glass of red wine- or grande marnier- hey chocolate and GM are divine!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dark clothes and deodorant

I have tried many of the new products promising to give us protection and also protect our blacks from the dreaded fog of white!
What I have found- really works--Mitchum smart solid
available in a multitude of senses!
no more 'fog' under your arms!

Armpit and whooohoo hair!

Ladies, come on! This is summer and you all know how to wax and shave! If you are too busy to groom, anty up for the laser system. While not truly permanent, you may have to go for once a year updates- laser does work fabulously!

Then you can cheer all you want and we won't see the stubble!

In addition, as we age the hair down there seems to spread like our thighs-- one of my friends insists this is natures way to get 'old' women to cover up more and save the planet from things other people really do not want to see- like cellulite, jiggly thighs and such--- but come on --please groom!

You do the laser whoohooo hair thing too -on your upper thighs and across the tops of the legs- Please we do and can see!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Ginger tea and female bloating!

This is amazing for relieving bloat- and a detox!!!!!
simple- take some fresh ginger root- remove the skin and slice the meat into thin slices- throw into a pot let boil and simmer- more ginger longer steep stronger the tea will be. Pour into a teacup- or mug- add honey and lemon to taste.
Trust me- make a big pot and drink over a period of a few days and you will not have any bloat left- but ensure you plan on staying close to the ladies room for a few days as well!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

exercise over 40

The magic formula for keeping off lost weight
Comments (42)

From Tuesday's Globe and Mail
July 29, 2008 at 9:36 AM EDT
To drop 10 per cent of their body weight and keep it off for two years, obese and overweight women must exercise at least 55 minutes a day, five days a week, according to a new study.
Research published in the Archives of Internal Medicine this week said that in addition to limiting calories, overweight and obese women must exercise substantially more than was previously recommended.
"The less they exercised the less weight they lost and the less they kept off," said John Jakicic of the University of Pittsburgh, who led the study. "It seemed like this magic number of 275 [minutes a week] is what really made a difference."
Dr. Jakicic and his team spent two years studying 191 women between the ages of 21 and 45 with a body mass index of 27 to 40, which is above the threshold of healthy weight. Before taking part in the research, all of the women exercised less than 20 minutes a day, fewer than three days a week.
The women were prescribed diets of between 1,200 and 1,500 calories a day, and were divided into groups with different exercise goals.
While women in various groups lost weight, only those who exercised more than 55 minutes a day, five days a week, managed to keep the weight off two years later.
"We really wanted to delve into the issues around how much you might really need to do to keep this weight off long term," Dr. Jakicic said. "This study sheds some clear light on what those numbers need to be."
Before this study, health professionals often recommended that people exercise for a minimum of 30 minutes, five days a week. But that level is helpful only for those trying to maintain their health, Dr. Jakicic said, and is not effective for those who have managed to lose a large amount of weight and are trying to keep that weight off.
Obesity is a major issue in Canada, where 59 per cent of adults are overweight, including 23 per cent who are obese, according to Statistics Canada. Overweight is defined as having a BMI - an approximation of body fat based on height and weight - of more than 25, while a BMI of more than 30 indicates obesity.
But much of the focus on obesity has centred on issues of diet and ignored the impact of regular physical activity.
"There's been so much about the Atkins diet and the Zone diet and surgery," Dr. Jakicic said. "But even people who have the surgery gain weight again without a major lifestyle change."
Dr. Jakicic does not believe people should be discouraged by the exercise level required by his findings, even though working out 55 minutes a day, five days a week, may sound like too punishing a regimen.
Most of the women who were successful in the study were working mothers, he said, and got their exercise by walking. They were only required to reach a moderate level of intensity with their workouts, and few women put in serious hours at the gym.
"This shouldn't be discouraging. It can be done," he said. "They were able to find ways to make it work with their lifestyle."
Keeping up the intense workout schedule was sometimes difficult, Dr. Jakicic admitted, but because the women were focusing on both diet and exercise, they were able to make up for any momentary lapses of will.
"Not that over two years these women didn't flounder," he said. "But when they floundered with their diet, they were a little more diligent with their exercise."
The women exercised in periods that would previously have been designated as "sitting time," spent in front of a TV, a computer or a book.
"Most women say, 'I can't fit this into my lifestyle because it's going to negatively impact my family and children,' " he said. "When in fact what's negatively impacting the family is that they're not taking care of themselves

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Develope a trademark Flower arrangement

I have a friend who does have the best taste in the world and also enough cash to spoil herself!However, she has a standing order at the local floriest for a very dark almost black navy blue Calla Lily that she picks up every Thursday for her front entrance-- sometime a few--.
Her home is that of an upscale New York penthouse- but it is these small touches that make her so special!
Search yourself, your home and choose one trademark flower or arrangment and use that repeatedly in your home!

Your own slogan!

On some of the other blogs- ladies in pubic -- we have chatted about ways to live a fabulous life- since I have seen most of you like this blog best I will put a few of these tricks here as well-- or you can visit- ladies in public--
We can create our own crest, our own logo well why not our own 'slogan'.
Emeril has one- 'bam!'
That guy with the comb over has one "your fired'.
the old lady who swindled folks has one -- (jee I cant remember hers)
so come up with one of your own!
so as Nike would say "just do it".
...... hmmmm- guess I need to think of one myself----

Luxury for your tired tootsies!

Simple at home spa treatment!
Take your thickest most luxurious cotton socks, sprinkle with a few drops of water (really nice if you use rosewater!) pop them into the microwave for a few minutes (depends on your microwave) slather warmed lotion on your little tired feet and pull on the toasty warm socks!
Yummy- kind of related to the vaseline on your feet to keep them dainty, crack and wrinkle free!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Thin hair- OMG yes it happens to us too!

I naturally have very fine hair- then this age thing happens too!
Ughh- however I have found a way that makes my thin flat hair look like a fab head of hair!
Phyto- is the line for me- I use alternate shampoos- one for thinning hair one day- one for fine hair the next-- a couple sprays of hytovolume- a combination of conditioners and voila!
It is not for the faint of wallet- but I colour my hair myself and yes trim it at home too!
A girl has to be frugal sometimes-- then the pills! YES! I thought is was a sham- but always the girls to try something new- I did!
They work- phytophanere- little expensive pills that will actually make your hair grow faster and thicker! It does work- really! I have bought a few times take for 3 months at a time then again 6 months later!

Saturday, July 19, 2008

Dark skin pigment

I have been having darkening skin on my face in the past year or so- on top of the pregnancy mask I inherited for giving my son life!
This darkening of skin can be removed my two different types of lasers- however the one continuiung concern is the sun. It is the exposure to sun that recreates the dark spots- so ensure you are using a 60 sunblock on your face and I have found Obaji Sunfader to be helping.
Now, however in the fall I will my favorite doctor again- to have some laser to remove the damage caused by the summer sun!
Ouch- this getting old is sure expensive

Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Black as we know is a staple in our wardrobes- black pants, black t-shirts, black turtlenecks..... but go one step further for instant glamour- black velvet.
Black velvet is never really in high fashion, and there-fore is never really out! You can grab a nice full lenght long black velvet skirt, pants, tuxedo pants..... and they can hide out in your closet until you need them-- instant glamour!

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Fractional Laser

Ladies, this is the secret of the stars!
This miraculous machine takes years off your face, texture, discolouration, tightens, all without that 'just had a facelift' look!
I promise you this is what you have been looking for- add a touch of botox and fillers if needed and voila- 10 years younger!
This does hurt so have someone drive you- take advantage of the extra strength Tylenol ( it does take multiple visits and up to 6 months to see results)
A young friend of mine had a more aggressive laser treatment for very deep acne scaring- recuperation was long and painful- and honestly in the end -did not look any better. She saw the changes happening in my skin and signed on with Dr. Liao for the fractional treatments as well. She is going to need 7-8 treatments and then perhaps some filler for some of the pesky deep scars but she already looks radiant- after only 3 treatments!
Her mother has also joined the fractional bandwagon- combining with some fat transfer to soften her features- and she is thrilled!
Ladies you are so worth this- and this is from someone who has had laser resurfacing, and the old fashioned resurfacing that left me in the hospital for 3 days and 6 months of recuperation (okay that was 20 years ago with literally a metal brush and to remove scars from a car accident- never do that again) but this new Fractional Laser- you deserve it!
Microdermabrasion- was very harsh on my skin and caused me to break out- that is also old news- I have had very bad skin my entire life- so trust me I have tried everything!
http://jyliao.ab.ca/, has been treating my skin for years- with the exception of the deep laser treatment - that was another doctor in the city as Dr. Liao refused to do it- she said I would hyperpigment- and I did. Off I went to her to fix me!
check it out-= and while there remember under arm hair is not so sexy- so a couple of laser treatments and you can go to yoga without ever having to worry about your arms!
Weight today is good 127- but man the treadmill work is tough- age is fun- but trying to stay ahead of it is tiring and expensive!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Permanent eyebrows- and weight

Well, the brows have settled in and they do fantastic! Only now the rest of me is far from perfect and I have these incredible brows to live up to- yes I would highly recomment it!
(pics are coming- promise)
The weight thing- well after a certain age a lady does need to workout - a good diet is not enough- the weight settled in today at 130 and now for me to stay away from the wine- workout- eat properly and try to get that down to 128 by this time next week.
My goal is around 120 and I am giving myself one month to lose the weight- and get back into some of my clothes!
Hope your weekend was fantastic- I did some organic gardening and yard work, ironed pillow cases and worked on a few articles and the weekend is now gone!
take care ladies

Thursday, May 29, 2008

I am a wimp!

First the eyebrows, I was a tad freaked out and actually took my mom with me for moral support and to take the pics! (which are coming). The idea of having a tatoo was hard on me (I hate needles!) then a tatoo on my face! Oh my! So, it was painful,but as my mom says I am a wimp- I did not look while there as I knew I would freak out.
The first night was terrible, I hurt, or thought I hurt, took some 'old' painkillers to help me sleep, instead I go nasaus and could not sleep, replayed the scene in my mind and could not do anything the next day due to no sleep, and withdrawal from my stupid and taking out of date painkillers! Dummy me!
I finally looked and was again freaked out, I have perfect glamour girl brows, Linda took the brows toward my nose a tad to offset the over tweezing I did while young. Filled in the lost hairs, now I have perfect dark brows like the Hollywood star Selma Hayak- oh my what a label to work towards.
I am not perfect, my hair is always a mess, my face breaks out, I have colour pigment, and now perfect brows the rest of my face needs to live up to!
It will take awhile for me to get used to this 'perfection' but I shall try!
The weigth thing- well I gained almost a pound- due to wine, and not working out.I do think- especially at this age we MUST work out every day, treadmill at the very least for about an hour, then the weights, yoga, or whatever else we need for core muscles, muscles, and flexiblity.
There are many women now experiencing the new rebirth of their years, and getting excited about fullfilling thier own dreams that often have been put on hold to raise husbands and children.
That is where I am and the new rebirth is time consuming and thought provoking.
AHHHH- almost forgot, my mom whose now perfect brows was the catalyist to me getting permannet brows- the look my mom has at 69 is incredible! Her face has been so opened up and lifted by simply having her brows cared for- well she now has gotten her fist facial!
My goodness, luxury with caviar, pampering, she is now embracing her own inner goddess, and that is what I wanted to accomplish with this blog for all of us over 40Shoot now it is for over 70 also!
You go girls!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

oouch! permanent eyebrows

Well, after at least two years of thinking I finally took the plunge and had my face tattooed! Permanent eyebrows- which I have been promised fade with time. The lady that did this has been featured in previous posts and truly is the 'artisan' of brows in western Canada. She has waxed mine now for a few years, done my 69 year old mothers' (which looked like a facelift after she was done- girls save your money get your brows waxed by the best in your town) waxed my 21 year old son's.... and I have checked out her work for over 2 years as far as 'permanent makeup goes'.....
It hurt- but I am a wimp... and today my son laughed at me over the dark brows- I am confident though that they will look terrific- and in the next few days I will post the pics and in a week the 'final' results.'
So stay tuned
As far as the weight thing goes- today I was 129=--- but remember good diet and 2 hours on the treadmill---
Tomorrow the weight might go up-- I had some wine after the eyebrows today!
will let you know

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Sexy photos

We must all hand it to the wildly brave 'not perfect' Ivory models. They bared all- in all their glory, older, thinner, curvy and all!
Those ads got me thinking about perfect beauty and the confidence we all should have and or aquire......
Why not?
Go out and find a terrific photographer and have some great 'nudes' done of yourself. They do not have to be 'porn-like' more artistic, great lighting, poses that really do not show all our 'stuff', black and white, a touch of touch-ups and voila- you too can be a centrefold.
Age- yuk- forget about that- a few wrinkles- adds personality- and what a wonderful time for you to get intouch with your sexy, feminine and confident side!
Go girsl!

Friday, May 23, 2008

Summer Feet

As we all know as we age- so do our feet! One of my pet peeves is seeing women in sandles with the sandpaper and cracked heels! UGGH!!
Years ago my grandmother taught me this simple secret to terrific feet and the cost is almost free!
Simply keep a large size of 'Vaseline' beside your bed- (I know I have gotten some strange looks from folks as well- so now I hide it under my bed- not that many folks are in my room anymore- but that is for a different blog)at night before you get into bed slather on the vaseline on your feet then pull on a heavy pair of socks!
VOILA- IN NO TIME YOU will have smooth sexy feet, that then still do need to pedicured-- another take on this is to wrap your feet in old plastic bags before sliding on the socks. (even after many washes your 'feet' socks will no longer get the oil out and they get kinda grimmy- so the plastic bags help the vaseline work better and also save your socks and sometimes your sheets from getting oil stains!
Yes, for you married or sharing a bed ladies maybe not so sexy- but sometimes a girl needs to do what a girl needs to do.
And, while it has been awhile- I have had more compliments from men on my soft skin and smooth feet- while running them up his leg--- then anything else! (YES, that also is for another blog!)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Pimples and Wrinkles

Oh my- what a sense of humour mother nature has! After struggling with pimples since my very early teenage years, now I have wrinkles and still get pimples. Being a tad out of date with the newest and best pimple solutions, and having a teenage son, I took to finding the best solutions for him- and then tried them on myself.
Here are a few of the products we discovered that work- with varying degrees of success ( some worked find for my son but were too drying for my dry, sensitive, wrinkle forming more mature face).
Proactive- we tried this product line with very good results- it worked well for me as well- but not as well as I would of liked. However the one all star product they have that works very well on my pimples and my sons' larger, deeper more serious 'spots'....Proactive Refining Mask should be one everyone's shelf for those unexpected little blemishes. They miraculously seem to disappear while you sleep!
While this line worked well I wanted to try out a new line by one of my favorite skin care companies ( we will discuss those products in a separate blog) Obagi has come out with a wonderful new line for acne called clenziderm M.D., This three step system has almost completely cleared up my son's skin (I don't use the system as I just need help for some individual spots) his skin looks great (granted I was finally able to get him to go on a oral antibiotic).This new Obagi line- in my opinion is better then Proactive, not as drying, and very easy to use- and it works.
For back problems, due to cost and ease we have found something very simple works- hand sanitizer! An idea from my mom and works very well on large areas that are not as sensitive as the face.
I absolutely love this product PeterThomasRoth- AHA/BHA Acne Clearing Gel- this is terrific, a little rub on your spot areas, is clear (unlike the proactive white mask) and voila- pimple be gone! It does not seem to extra drying and is good for my sensitive, mature skin.
That seems to be it for the control of those pesky little blemishes we still get (thanks son for letting me sample your products).... next I will chat about some of the fine skin care products for mature, sensitive, thin skin.
Have a great day, and enjoy the wonderful stage of life you are now in!
The Obagi Skin Health Restoration System helps to correct surface discoloration, blemishes, and stimulate cell renewal to bring back the glow and softness of healthy, younger-looking skin.
You may be an ideal candidate for Obagi if you want to reduce the effects of sun damage and are looking for a long-term skin care system.
Patient before and after Obagi Blue Peel and Skin Health Restoration System.
How it works: After an Obagi Blue Peel, keratinocytes and melanocytes rush to cover the areas of treatment. New collagen production in the dermis quickly follows. The procedure, in essence, stimulates your skin and causes it to renew itself.
The Obagi Skin Health Restoration System uses a medically prescribed tretinoin medication in combination with hydroquinone, alpha hydroxy acids, and phytic acid products. This careful combination helps make the skin healthier and addresses dysfunctional skin conditions such as acne, hyperpigmentation, and photoaging.
Treatment: Dr. Jang will prescribe an at-home skincare protocol specific for you, which may also include the Obagi Blue Peel — a light to medium chemical peel that will help further restore your skin's clarity and tightness. Recovery: -->
Results: After six weeks (one skin cycle) new, healthy cells emerge to the surface. The normal barrier function of your skin is restored making your skin less sensitive and better able to hydrate properly.
Further information online: Obagi - www.obagi.com

Saturday, May 17, 2008

fabulous woman over 40

Of course, such disregard for fashion's forces of conservatism is what makes Roitfeld's work so exciting. Her arrival at French Vogue in 2001 brought a youthful energy to an ageing institution which, she readily admits, 'hadn't been so good' since the mid-Eighties. At that time, Paris was undergoing a wholehearted rejuvenation, with a generation of designers barely into their thirties being appointed as head designers of its most famous fashion houses: Nicolas Ghesquiere at Balenciaga, Hedi Slimane at Dior Homme, Phoebe Philo at Chloe. Roitfeld's appointment at Vogue seemed to anoint the arrival of this new generation. And while her youthful irreverence may have ruffled a few fusty feathers, it has revived the magazine's fortunes: in 2005, advertising revenue leapt 60 per cent, making it the best year for ad sales in two decades. 'I make big errors,' she says modestly, 'and I may be a bit punk sometimes, but I try to make it exciting for the reader. And the readership figure goes up. It will never be 'uge - because if it is 'uge it will be a different sort of magazine, too popular. So I cannot be too big. But we keep going up bit by bit ... the boss is happy.'
Another advantage was that she could focus on bringing up her children, while she watched overworked colleagues guiltily juggling motherhood and career-maintenance. 'I only start to work really hard when they grow up. Now I work every day, Saturday, Sunday - but the children are big, they study far away.'
Sunday February 25, 2007
The Observer
Yasmin Yusuf agrees that there's a dearth of ideas for women who are too old for clubbing but too young to make their own chutney: 'There isn't anything really slick and sexy for this market yet. It's such an opportunity. What is available is generally expensive - it's all about beautiful cut, something to give confidence, and that comes at a price. The middle-market retailers should be looking at this: the 35-plus group aren't going to stop loving fashion just because they've had another birthday.'
This year for the first time, women over 40 will make up more than 50 per cent of the UK female population. Many have money. Most have perfectly adequate bodies, thanks to a
Mimi Spencer is a columnist for You magazine

paris vogue is yes, rather brilliant and highly charged, but also rather arrogant.
american vogue is becoming far too unoffensive and bland.
british vogue however manages to please everone by demonstrating young london edge, whilst maintaining its english aristo classique.
not to mention articles with some real substance, which paris and american lack.
I would, however, not mind seeing someone replace alexandra shulman, she is slightly too sloaney for my liking.
(above from a blog on fashion

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This is going to be such fun! I am so tired and frustrated with people- yes even fabulous women over 40 not getting it! I had a few years ago- a lovely woman in her 50's tell me- as I was struggling with early on-set menopause and the wonderful effects "Get used to it. You will gain weight, get tired it is getting old."
AUGHHH! Come on- we are more wonderful, creative, sexy and fabulous then ever before and that is the message I want to spread!
I wish for all of us over 40 to embrace this wonderful creative time of life- be sexy, fabulous, creative, interesting and to join forces share ideas, foibles, fun and energy.